Author: kengele

Anobis – Causes of World Problems

While pondering problems humanity faces it occurs to me that many are a direct result of the action of Man, or have anthropogenic causes (ab homine). In contrast, we are clearly not responsible for the causes of other problems. Yet others may be in an intermediate category, perhaps naturally caused, but exacerbated by us. I

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A word I seek

Occasionally I try and describe a concept but fail because I lack the tools. What I mean is I don´t know the correct word to use, or the word does not exist. Normally if there is a word and I don´t know it, I can easily look it up in a dictionary. Sometimes the word

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Tolerance – a precept

Thoughts on Tolerance Most of us today live in complex urban societies. These by nature are diverse. Diversity often nurtures strength and vibrancy. We can expect to encounter people from a variety of backgrounds and customs in them, harbouring a smorgasbord of beliefs and opinions. They may wear strange clothes or speak languages that we

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Learning – a precept

Learning Learn, discover and question. Enjoy learning in general. In order to learn you must also question what you or others believe. You must check and cross check any facts that you base your knowledge upon. You must be prepared to change your mind in the face of evidence that you cannot dispute. This precept

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Nurture Community – a precept

We are a social animal. We need others in order to survive and for our own mental well-being. We need to nurture our communities. Family is a form of community. It is one worth nurturing, but our societies today are so complex that we must include those communities that are outside the family. I would

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