
How we can get to where we should be going? This category deals with practical solutions.
The major socio-political systems and questions about economics come under this heading. One of the aims of the blog is to explore the systems that we know, and examine their strengths and weaknesses. Then I hope to propose ideas for an improved socio-political system more suited to this modern age.
This is a big task, but you have to start somewhere!

Anobis – Causes of World Problems

While pondering problems humanity faces it occurs to me that many are a direct result of the action of Man, or have anthropogenic causes (ab homine). In contrast, we are clearly not responsible for the causes of other problems. Yet others may be in an intermediate category, perhaps naturally caused, but exacerbated by us. I

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When Power is held by Representation

When power is held by representation Democracy These involve representation with a vote. The aim is to provide the people with as much representation as possible. The maximum amount of representation would resemble more an anarchistic system, or an Ancient Greek democratic system, which differs from a modern democracy in various ways. Modern democracies are

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When Power is held by an Elite

When power is held by a select few – Oligarchy, Military Dictatorship (Junta), Theocracy and Plutocracy. Oligarchy An Oligarchy is when the state is ruled by a select group of people, and where the general public have very limited or no influence on that selection. Either there is no election, or there is limited candidacy for

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When Power is held by an Individual

When power is held by an individual – Autocracy, Dictatorship, Monarchy Dictatorship A dictatorship refers to states ruled by an individual (who did not inherit the position) as occurred in some Greek states, including Athens for a few years. Ancient Republican Rome had a tradition of accepting a dictator for limited periods of time in

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Government and Power

This follows the post of my thoughts on an idealistic society with no government, which could be literally defined as an anarchist state. The basis of an anarchy is the idea that there is no government, and no supreme authority. As I mentioned in the page on anarchy, this could only work if people were

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